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How to use .NET Core's Built in Dependency Injection with Service Fabric

Good afternoon,

I recently started experimenting with Service Fabric and .NET Core. I created a Stateless Web API and performed some DI using:

public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
    var connString = Configuration.GetConnectionString("DefaultConnection");
    services.AddDbContext<ApplicationContext>(options => options.UseSqlServer(connString));

With the above I can use constructor inject on my FaxLogic class as well as my DbContext class (through the FaxLogic):

private readonly FaxLogic _faxLogic;
public FaxController(
    FaxLogic faxLogic)
    _faxLogic = faxLogic;
private readonly ApplicationContext _context;
public FaxLogic(ApplicationContext context)
    _context = context;

I then created a non-Web API stateless service. I want to be able to access my FaxLogic and DbContext like in my WebAPI, but within the RunAsync method of the stateless service:

protected override async Task RunAsync(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
    // TODO: Replace the following sample code with your own logic 
    //       or remove this RunAsync override if it's not needed in your service.

    while (true)

        ServiceEventSource.Current.ServiceMessage(this.Context, "Hello!");

        // do db stuff here!

        await Task.Delay(TimeSpan.FromSeconds(5), cancellationToken);

I am wondering how I'd do it. I tried playing with the CreateServiceInstanceListeners() method and the Program.cs file where ServiceRuntime is is used to register but I can't seem to figure it out! Any help would be appreciated.


  • The solution has been already answered here: Set up Dependency Injection on Service Fabric using default ASP.NET Core DI container

    In summary, you have to register the dependencies before you create a new instance of your stateless service and then create a factory method to resolve the dependencies:


    public static class Program
        public static void Main(string[] args)
            var provider = new ServiceCollection()
                        .AddSingleton<IFooService, FooService>()
                        .AddSingleton<IMonitor, MyMonitor>()
                context => new MyService(context, provider.GetService<IMonitor>());

    See the linked answer for more details.