I should exec a VBS script by Nodejs and so I'm using child_process.
My problem is that if there is an error on spawn process it never fires error event.
const { spawn } = require( 'child_process' );
const vbs = spawn( 'cscript.exe', [ vbsPath] );
vbs.on('error', function( err ){
vbs.on('close', async function(code) {
vbsPath is the path of vbs and if I try to put wrong path or add an error in vbs it fires always close event with code 1 instead of 0. but my question is:
Why it never fires the error event? Is the code of close event reliable for know if the script return error?
The process is spawned well, it is due to this that you don't receive the error.
From docs
The 'error' event is emitted whenever:
The process could not be spawned, or
The process could not be killed, or
Sending a message to the child process failed.
For example, if you write const vbs = spawn('ciao', ['vbsPath'])
you will receive the error event.