I'm using Twig inside WordPress within the Timber plugin and I have basically followed the layout they have used for pagination here.
It displays fine and everything, but it appears the arguments aren't working correctly for this bit:
{% include 'partials/pagination.twig' with { pagination: posts.pagination({show_all: false, mid_size: 2, end_size: 1}) } %}
No matter what I set those arguments to it outputs every page; so if I have 10 pages it will print out all 10 page numbers; I don't want this, I'm trying to restrict it to 5.
What is wrong here?
You don't need to use the default pagination
template, you can go full custom
{% set pages_to_show = 5 %}
{% set current = posts.pagination.current %}
{% set max = current + (pages_to_show - 1) %}
{% if max > posts.pagination.total %}
{% set current = posts.pagination.total - (pages_to_show - 1) %}
{% set max = posts.pagination.total %}
{% endif %}
<div class="tool-pagination">
{% if posts.pagination.prev %}
<a href="{{posts.pagination.prev.link}}" class="prev {{posts.pagination.prev.link|length ? '' : 'invisible'}}">Prev</a>
{% endif %}
<ul class="pages">
{% for i in current..max %}
{% if posts.pagination.pages[i].link %}
<a href="{{posts.pagination.pages[i].link}}" class="{{posts.pagination.pages[i].class}}">{{posts.pagination.pages[i].title}}</a>
{% else %}
<span class="{{posts.pagination.pages[i].class}}">{{posts.pagination.pages[i].title}}</span>
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
{% if posts.pagination.next %}
<a href="{{posts.pagination.next.link}}" class="next {{posts.pagination.next.link|length ? '' : 'invisible'}}">Next</a>
{% endif %}
do not this is just a small example of how you could solve this