i have done code for generating div with *ngFor
i have tried to click on each row (span text) then that row Boolean value should effect but its changing the other row values also.
my goal is when click on span row then that clicked row value should change.
import { Component, NgModule, VERSION, Input, OnInit } from '@angular/core';
import { BrowserModule } from '@angular/platform-browser';
import { FormsModule } from '@angular/forms';
selector: 'my-app-test',
<div id="{{obj.name}}" *ngFor="let obj of objList">
<span id="{{obj.name}}" (clickStatus)='false'
(click)='changeColor($event, obj)'>{{obj.text}}</span>
<!-- [(ngModel)]="clickStatus" ngDefaultControl -->
export class TestComponent implements OnInit {
name: string;
@Input() clickStatus: boolean = false;
@Input() objList: any[] = [];
objData = {
name : 'name',
text : 'text'
list = [];
constructor() {
this.name =
Angular! v${VERSION.full};
ngOnInit() {
for (let i = 0; i < 10; ++i) {
this.objData = {
name : 'name' + i,
text : 'text' + i
console.log('data .. ', this.list);
this.objList = this.list;
changeColor(event, obj) {
console.log('event...', event.target as Element);
console.log('obj and clickstatus ...', obj, this.clickStatus);
if (this.clickStatus) {
console.log('click status in if true', this.clickStatus);
} else {
console.log('click status in else false', this.clickStatus);
this.clickStatus = !this.clickStatus;
My code Editor : Code
Well, your using the same ngmodel for all your rows ofcorse it will change everyone. If you want to do it like this make it as Array.
<div id="{{obj.name}}" *ngFor="let obj of objList;let i = index">
<span id="{{obj.name}}" [(ngModel)]="clickStatus[i]" ngDefaultControl (click)='changeColor($event, obj,i)'>
public clickStatus:Array<boolean>= new Array(this.objList.length);
changeColor(event, obj,i) {
console.log('event...', event.target as Element);
console.log('obj and clickstatus ...', obj, this.clickStatus);
if (this.clickStatus[i]) {
console.log('click status in if true', this.clickStatus[i]);
} else {
console.log('click status in else false', this.clickStatus[i]);
this.clickStatus[i] = !this.clickStatus[i];
something like this should work.