Running bundle install
gave the following
Fetching source index from
Retrying fetcher due to error (2/4): Net::HTTPServerException 403 "Forbidden"
Retrying fetcher due to error (3/4): Net::HTTPServerException 403 "Forbidden"
Retrying fetcher due to error (4/4): Net::HTTPServerException 403 "Forbidden"
Could not fetch specs from
Followed this and changed to http in Gemfile. Problem Still exists. I didn't install any other ruby version. Default on Mac Ruby version : ruby 2.3.7p456 (2018-03-28 revision 63024) [universal.x86_64-darwin18], bundle version 2.0.1.
Running bundle update
then gave
Authentication is required for Please supply credentials for this source. You can do this by running: bundle config username:password
No idea what the credentials should be, but I signed up at and used that username/password (Pardon if that was silly) and got
Bad username or password for Please double-check your credentials and correct them.
Followed this and turned off IPV6 and still same problem.(If anything the errors showed up a little faster)
Infact now realised none of the gem command works and gives errors like
gem install jekyll bundler
ERROR: While executing gem ... (Net::HTTPServerException) 403 "Forbidden"
While I did install jekyll and bundler yesterday. Today I ran bundle exec jekyll serve
and got
Could not find gem 'minima (~> 2.0)' in any of the gem sources listed in your Gemfile. Run
bundle install
to install missing gems.
Hence, it all started with trying to get Jekyll working. OS : MacOS(10.14.3)
So I have a proxy in my organization's network which I knew would cause problems so I was infact using a different network. I finally tried to comment out the proxy settings in my .bash_profile, and it was still giving the same errors. I shut down the system and then tried again and it worked.
Such a bummer. Anyway I'm not deleting the question hoping for a better work around than this. I mean if every time I want to use gem I have to do this it's kind of a hassle.