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Unable to create new user using Azure Active Directory B2C Graph API with chinese character Json data

I am trying to create a user using AAD B2C graph API. It is working fine when the Payload Json is English Character, but If I create the Json Payload with a Chinese character, Its fails.

Json Payload:

  "passwordProfile": {
    "password": "Abc1234@#",
    "forceChangePasswordNextLogin": false
  "signInNames": [
      "type": "emailAddress",
      "value": "[email protected]"
  "accountEnabled": true,
  "creationType": "LocalAccount",
  "displayName": "林",
  "mailNickname": "林",
  "passwordPolicies": "DisablePasswordExpiration"

Error Details:

"Message": "One or more errors occurred. (Error Calling the Graph API: \n{\r\n \"odata.error\": {\r\n \"code\": \"Request_BadRequest\",\r\n \"message\": {\r\n \"lang\": \"en\",\r\n \"value\": \"Invalid value specified for property 'mailNickname' of resource 'User'.\"\r\n },\r\n \"requestId\": \"b2d0d3bf-394d-4ebd-a5b5-d905f1809c19\",\r\n \"date\": \"2019-02-15T06:55:06\",\r\n \"values\": [\r\n {\r\n
\"item\": \"PropertyName\",\r\n \"value\": \"mailNickname\"\r\n },\r\n {\r\n \"item\": \"PropertyErrorCode\",\r\n
\"value\": \"InvalidValue\"\r\n }\r\n ]\r\n }\r\n})"

Please help me to solve the issue.


  • You need to specify the mailNickname as specified by the error:

      "givenName": "会话",
      "surname": "宋",
      "mail": "[email protected]",
      "city": "TestCity",
      "state": "hebei",
      "country": "china",
      "postalCode": "1245",
      "mobilePhone": "12345678",
      "mailNickname": "abc",
      "accountEnabled": true,
      "displayName": "displayname-here",
      "passwordProfile": {
        "password": "PasswordHere",
        "forceChangePasswordNextLogin": true
      "userPrincipalName": "[email protected]"

    I've also included the other properties the documentation mentions are required.

    You can see the reference here: