I am trying to do a schema migration using PowerShell / TSQL but am having a few issues with using linked servers. Basically, the source DB backup is a higher version than that of the target SQL server so i am having to use linked servers to pull the data from the source database into a linked server database.
This is my first time using linked servers and one of the parts of the script i have is disabling certain triggers on the destination database to stop inserts from failing.
I figured out how to add columns using EXEC
But the same process doesnt work for disabling triggers
EXEC('DISABLE TRIGGER tr_SetFinalVersion ON [TRS].dbo.Contract;') AT S1
Any idea how i would go about disabling these?
Tables from your examples are different. Is it possible that you don't have permissions on the other table?
Also, you can try using ALTER TABLE to disable trigger.
EXEC('ALTER TABLE [TRS].[dbo].[Contract] DISABLE TRIGGER tr_SetFinalVersion') AT S1