I have a double that shows scientific notations like this: 2.95E-05 I get those values from a JSON string as double directly. I wonder how the double can be converted so it instead shows all zeros like a normal number? (0.0000295)
Below attempt does not work and still shows: 2.95E-05
Thank you!
double value = 2.95E-05;
value = double.Parse(value.ToString(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any);
There are several ways to do this and it depends on whether you want fixed precision or padded with 0's.
double value = 2.95E-05;
value = double.Parse(value.ToString(), System.Globalization.NumberStyles.Any);
Please take a look at the following to ascertain how to format numeric values, it's all you need to know and more. Although there is a lot of information here, the easiest way is too look at the examples: