I'm using an assembly descriptor of the "dir" format to produce an exploded distributable. Currently this places the files I include in a directory named "target/${project.build.finalName}".
I would ideally like this directory to be named differently. Ideally "target/${project.artifactId}", essentially dropping the version component.
The reason for wanting this change is that I'm going to need to refer to files in that archive in a discrete pipeline step, and having the version in the path presents maintainability issues.
Simplified version of the assembly descriptor provided:
Where I currently end up with a root dir like:
and I would like to arrive at
baseDirectory and friends only affect the paths within the root directory, still leaving me with a path which includes a version number, like:
In your maven maven-assembly-plugin configure the <finalName>
to be ${project.artifactId}
In the example below, change the location of <descriptor>src/assembly/dist.xml</descriptor>
to your location.
For example:
I'm assuming that you don't want the "preparation" appended to the name so I included <appendAssemblyId>false</appendAssemblyId>