I wrote a javascript class, that upon instantiation creates a web worker. Another method in this class runs the worker. I want to invoke the method running the worker and then do something afterwards asynchronously. For a better understanding I added a schematic code skeleton below.
I tried to generate and store a Promise in a class variable and then act upon it, but it seemed to be a wrong ansatz. Link to the JS Bin.
class Task{
this.data = 0;
//this.listen; //my idea, does not work
this.worker = new Worker('worker.js');
this.worker.onmessage = (function(e){
// worker constantly emits messages
let data = e.data.split(' ');
// suppose message is now availabe as array
this.data = data;
//trigger signals that the heavy computation is over
/* my idea didn't work:
*this.listen = Promise.resolve(1);
async doTask(){
this.worker.postMessage("start computation");
//wait for the worker to finish calculation
/*my idea
*await this.listen;
//do something after trigger was sent
return 0;
perhaps something like this?
class Task{
this.data = 0;
this.worker = new Worker('worker.js');
async calculation() {
if (this.worker.onmessage === null) {
return new Promise(resolve => {
this.worker.onmessage = e => {
let data = e.data.split(' ');
// suppose message is now availabe as array
this.data = data;
this.worker.onmessage = null;
this.worker.postMessage("start computation");
} else {
console.log('One calc at a time please...');
async doTask(){
await this.calculation();
//do something after trigger was sent
return 0;