Search code examples

Query Using Input From A Form with A Checkbox

Thank you, ahead of time, to everyone, for your time and attention.

I am doing a very simple database for my job, that was too large to fit into an excel spreadsheet, which is what we usually use here. I apologize ahead of time, as I have very limited knowledge of access, but have to figure this out.

I have about 1,150,000 records and need to be able to search by the following criteria: Part Number (txtPK), Step (txtStep), Skipped Percentage (txtPer), and Bottleneck? (chkARD); ARD is in the database as "Y" or "N".

This code worked to show either only Y or only N:

IIf([Forms]![Skips_Form]![chkARD],"Y", "N")

However, when I tried to adapt it to show "*" instead of "N" it returns no records, instead of all records.

IIf([Forms]![Skips_Form]![chkARD],"Y", "*")

My desire is to show only the records with "Y" when the checkbox is checked, and to show all records when it is not checked.


  • Presumably you are using these iif statements within the where clause of your query, in conjunction with the = operator - something like:

    select *
    from YourTable
    where ARD = IIf([Forms]![Skips_Form]![chkARD],"Y", "*")

    If this is indeed the case, then, when the else argument of the iif statement is returned, the SQL statement becomes:

    select *
    from YourTable
    where ARD = "*"

    Hence, this will return records for which the ARD field has a literal value of "*".

    Instead, you should either use the like operator, which will allow wildcards such as the asterisk to match any value, e.g.:

    select *
    from YourTable
    where ARD like IIf([Forms]![Skips_Form]![chkARD],"Y", "*")

    Or, use some simple boolean logic, such as:

    select *
    from YourTable
    where (not [Forms]![Skips_Form]![chkARD]) or ARD="Y"