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How do I batch upsert data into Google Cloud Spanner using the Python client library?

I would like to upsert the contents of a pandas dataframe into a table in a Google Cloud Spanner database. The documentation here recommends using the insert_or_update() method of the batch object.

If the batch object is created by running this

from import spanner_v1
client = spanner_v1.Client()
batch = client.batch()

Then this object does not have that method available. Running dir(client) gives me these results


How do I do batch upsert in Spanner?


  • The snippets has an example of batch insert. I checked that the batch object created in the snippet also has an insert_or_update field.

    ['class', 'delattr', 'dict', 'doc', 'enter', 'exit', 'format', 'getattribute', 'hash', 'init', 'module', 'new', 'reduce', 'reduce_ex', 'repr', 'setattr', 'sizeof', 'str', 'subclasshook', 'weakref', '_check_state', '_mutations', '_session', 'commit', 'committed', 'delete', 'insert', 'insert_or_update', 'replace', 'update']

    Can you try that out?