Given a contract Example
and a factory contract ExampleFactory
contract ExampleFactory {
Example [] public examples;
function newExample(bytes32 _name) {
Example example = new Example(_name);
contract Example {
bytes32 public name;
bool printed;
event Print(bytes32);
constructor(bytes32 _name) {
name = _name;
function printName() public {
printed = true;
emit Print(name);
How do I call printName
within my truffle test
contract("Example", function () {
beforeEach(async function() {
this.exampleFactory = await
await ExampleFactory.newExample(web3.utils.utf8ToHex("hello"))
describe("printName()", function () {
it("PRINTS!", async function() {
const example = await this.exampleFactory.examples(0);
await example.printName() // example.printName is not a function!!
Calling this.exampleFactory.examples(0)
returns the address of the child contract, which web3.js doesn't know the ABI.
You need to import the child's ABI and instantiate an object with the address
artifacts.require("Example" )
Const example = await this.exampleFactory.examples(0))