I'm trying to group by one column of a DataFrame, and generate the min
and max
values of a BigDecimal column within each of the resulting groups. The results always produce a very small (approximately 0) value.
(Similar min/max
calls against a Double column produce the expected, non-zero values.)
As a simple example:
If I create the following DataFrame:
import org.apache.spark.sql.{functions => f}
case class Foo(group: String, bd_value: BigDecimal, d_value: Double)
val rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(
Foo("A", BigDecimal("1.0"), 1.0),
Foo("B", BigDecimal("10.0"), 10.0),
Foo("B", BigDecimal("1.0"), 1.0),
Foo("C", BigDecimal("10.0"), 10.0),
Foo("C", BigDecimal("10.0"), 10.0),
Foo("C", BigDecimal("10.0"), 10.0)
val df = rdd.toDF()
Selecting max
of either the Double or BigDecimal column returns the expected result:
// +------------+
// |max(d_value)|
// +------------+
// | 10.0|
// +------------+
// +--------------------+
// | max(bd_value)|
// +--------------------+
// |10.00000000000000...|
// +--------------------+
But if I group-by then aggregate, I get a reasonable result for the Double column, but near-zero values for the BigDecimal column:
// +-----+------------+
// |group|max(d_value)|
// +-----+------------+
// | B| 10.0|
// | C| 10.0|
// | A| 1.0|
// +-----+------------+
// +-----+-------------+
// |group|max(bd_value)|
// +-----+-------------+
// | B| 1.00E-16|
// | C| 1.00E-16|
// | A| 1.0E-17|
// +-----+-------------+
Why does spark return a zero result for these min/max
There seems to be an inconsistency in how Spark treats the scale of BigDecimals
that manifests in the particular case shown in the question. The code behaves as though it is converting BigDecimal
s to unscaled Long
s using the scale of the BigDecimal
object, but then converting back to BigDecimal
using the scale of the schema.
This can be worked around by either
values to match the DataFrame's schema using setScale
, orHere is what I think is happening on my machine with Spark 2.4.0.
In the groupBy.max
case, Spark is going through UnsafeRow and converting the BigDecimal
to an unscaled Long
and storing it as a Byte array in setDecimal
at this line (as verified with print statements). Then, when it later calls getDecimal, it converts the byte array back to a BigDecimal
using the scale specified in the schema.
If the scale in the original value does not match the scale in the schema, this results in an incorrect value. For example,
val foo = BigDecimal(123456)
val bytes = foo.underlying().unscaledValue().toByteArray()
// convert the bytes into BigDecimal using the original scale -- correct value
val sameValue = BigDecimal(new java.math.BigInteger(bytes), 0)
sameValue: scala.math.BigDecimal = 123456
// convert the bytes into BigDecimal using scale 18 -- wrong value
val smaller = BigDecimal(new java.math.BigInteger(bytes), 18)
smaller: scala.math.BigDecimal = 1.23456E-13
If I just select the max of the bd_value
column, Spark doesn't seem to go through setDecimal
. I haven't verified why, or where it goes instead.
But, this would explain the values observed in the question. Using the same case class Foo
// This BigDecimal has scale 0
val rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(Foo("C", BigDecimal(123456), 123456.0)))
// And shows with scale 0 in the DF
|group|bd_value| d_value|
| C| 123456|123456.0|
// But the schema has scale 18
|-- group: string (nullable = true)
|-- bd_value: decimal(38,18) (nullable = true)
|-- d_value: double (nullable = false)
// groupBy + max corrupts in the same way as converting to bytes via unscaled, then to BigDecimal with scale 18
| C| 1.23456E-13|
// This BigDecimal is forced to have the same scale as the inferred schema
val rdd = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(Foo("C",BigDecimal(123456).setScale(18), 123456.0)))
// verified the scale is 18 in the DF
|group| bd_value| d_value|
| C|123456.0000000000...|123456.0|
// And it works as expected
|group| max(bd_value)|
| C|123456.0000000000...|
This would also explain why, as observed in the comment, it works fine when converted from an RDD[Row] with an explicit schema.
val rdd2 = spark.sparkContext.parallelize(Seq(Row("C", BigDecimal(123456), 123456.0)))
// schema has BigDecimal scale 18
val schema = StructType(Seq(StructField("group", StringType, true), StructField("bd_value", DecimalType(38,18), true), StructField("d_value",DoubleType,false)))
// createDataFrame interprets the value into the schema's scale
val df = spark.createDataFrame(rdd2, schema)
|group| bd_value| d_value|
| C|123456.0000000000...|123456.0|