I have a form that I've extracted to a partial.
<%= form_with url: filtered_tags_path, class: 'filter-box' do %>
<%= text_field_tag(:filter_by, '', id: 'filter-text-field', autocomplete: 'off') %>
<% end %>
There's a script in application.js
that watches for changes in the text field and fires a request after each keystroke:
function watch_form() {
document.getElementById('filter-text-field').addEventListener('keyup', function(){
Rails.fire(this.form, 'submit')
The correspond action looks like this:
def create
@labels = Label.by_search_term(params[:filter_by])
respond_to do |format|
With this template:
.innerHTML = "<%= escape_javascript(render partial: 'filtered_results') %>"
Which renders:
<% if @labels.present? %>
<% @labels.each do |label| %>
<%= label_link(name: label.name, is_remote: true) %>
<% end %>
<% else %>
<div class="badge no-tags-badge">No tags found</div>
<% end %>
In short, a series of buttons (wrapped in forms) are rendered. For example:
<form class="button_to" method="post" action="/issues?labels%5B%5D=ready" data-remote="true">
<input class="label-badge" type="submit" value="+ ready">
<input type="hidden" name="authenticity_token" value="yvWh51r/xHqLPb5V/qdfeiar/j9fqd/8FoZM0jnRFUFEHkdU5WlgVjyaIQi9viiiSfckjJypOhMnKAh29wjY3w==">
When I click a button, it sends its request and I get a successful response.
I want to have two separate forms. My first step was to swap the id
of the form's textfield for a variable.
<%= form_with url: filtered_tags_path, class: 'filter-box' do %>
<%= text_field_tag(:filter_by, '', id: filter_field_id, autocomplete: 'off') %>
<% end %>
Passing it to the partial like so:
<div class="filter-form">
<%= render partial: 'filter_form', locals: { filter_field_id: 'filter-text-field' } %>
The form behaves exactly as before. The buttons are rendered for each keystroke. Apart from the authenticity token, the example button looks exactly the same.
<form class="button_to" method="post" action="/issues?labels%5B%5D=ready" data-remote="true">
<input class="label-badge" type="submit" value="+ ready">
<input type="hidden" name="authenticity_token" value="0xjeK53JZSF0nSA2kUT2MREgaCeQ8RlmK2wqcd2sCIZd8ziYIl/BDcM6v2vSXYHpfnyylFPx/Ikawm7VE3XFGA==">
There's nothing to suggest that there's anything different but this time, on clicking a button, I get a 500
In the console, I see:
POST http://localhost:3000/issues?labels%5B%5D=documentation&labels%5B%5D=ready 500 (Internal Server Error)
Rails.ajax @ rails-ujs.self-d109d…a5343.js?body=1:212
Rails.handleRemote @ rails-ujs.self-d109d…a5343.js?body=1:568
(anonymous) @ rails-ujs.self-d109d…a5343.js?body=1:169
Now, I'm completely lost. I've tried binding my javascript to a turbolinks:load
event listener but that hasn't made a difference.
The only thing I can think of is that it's something to do with the authenticity token.
What is the difference between passing a string literal as the id and using a variable? Why does my change break things? What do I need to do to make it work?
I've discovered that clicking any similar buttons on the page, in addition to the ones rendered when the input has changed, results in a 500
The error in rails console:
ActionView::Template::Error (undefined local variable or method `filter_field_id' for #<#<Class:0x00007fa891909b60>:0x00007fa88bf7ef78>
Did you mean? file_field):
1: <%= form_with url: filtered_tags_path, class: 'filter-box' do %>
2: <%= text_field_tag(:filter_by, '', id: filter_field_id, autocomplete: 'off') %>
3: <% end %>
4: <script>watch_form()</script>
app/views/issues/_filter_form.html.erb:2:in `block in _app_views_issues__filter_form_html_erb___4066184210884757332_70181011505480'
app/views/issues/_filter_form.html.erb:1:in `_app_views_issues__filter_form_html_erb___4066184210884757332_70181011505480'
app/views/issues/create.js.erb:14:in `_app_views_issues_create_js_erb__4388147431667736133_70180939735900'
From that I can see that I'm not passing in the local variable when I render the partial in create.js.erb
. So I've amended that to:
.innerHTML = "<%= escape_javascript(render 'filter_form', locals: { :filter_field_id=> 'filter-text-field' }) %>"
But I still get the same error. undefined local variable or method 'filter_field_id'
Passing local variables is different when you don't use partial
. You don't need locals
in your create.js.erb file
# Instead of <%= render partial: "account", locals: { account: @buyer } %>
<%= render "account", account: @buyer %>
So your code should be either:
.innerHTML = "<%= escape_javascript(render 'filter_form', filter_field_id: 'filter-text-field' ) %>"
.innerHTML = "<%= escape_javascript(render partial: 'filter_form', locals: { filter_field_id: 'filter-text-field' }) %>"