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Calling method in Master page from User control

I am building a web forms application where I user the JS lib Toastr for displaying messages to the user. This works great ...for most parts. My application is designed like this

Master - Nested Master - Page - User Control

I Have implemented the calling to Toastr in Master:

public void ShowToastr(Page page, string message, string title, string type = "info")
    ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(page, page.GetType(), "toastr_message",
        $"toastr.{type.ToLower()}('{message}', '{title}');", addScriptTags: true);

I have virtual path set in every master and content page:

Admin.master file

<%@ MasterType VirtualPath="~/Areas/Shared/Site.Master" %>

SystemSettings.aspx page

<%@ MasterType VirtualPath="~/Areas/Administration/Admin.Master" %>

The UserCntrol is on SystemSettings.aspx page

Then I call the SiteMaster method like this from User Control

((SystemSettings)this.Page).Master.Master.ShowToastr(this.Page, "Property successfully updated.", "Success", $"{nameof(ToastrTypeEnum.Success)}");

This works great....until I put the User Control on a different page (want to be able to use controls in more then one place. .

I have tried several things after a search on the internet. .

(this.Page.Master as SiteMaster)?.ShowToastr(this.Page, "Property successfully updated.", "Success", $"{nameof(ToastrTypeEnum.Success)}");


SiteMaster _m = (SiteMaster)Page.Master;

_m.ShowToastr(this.Page, "Unable to save new property", "Error", $"{nameof(ToastrTypeEnum.Error)}");

Anyone with a suggestion on how to resolve this??


  • I'm not entirely sure this fixes your issue because the resulting error of using the Control elsewhere is not in your question. But why not make ShowToastr a static method in a separate class and not the Master? That way you do not have to send the Page to the method and/or cast the Master.

    namespace MyNameSpace
        public class Class1
            public static void howToastr(string message, string title, string type = "info")
                Page page = HttpContext.Current.CurrentHandler as Page;
                ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(page, page.GetType(), "toastr_message", $"toastr.{type.ToLower()}('{message}', '{title}');", addScriptTags: true);