I need to create arrays with different numbers of columns depending on whether certain variable values are "Show" or "Hide".
has many activities
belongs to a user
will have a number of columns: date, duration, cost, subject...
has a corresponding toggle column for each activity column,
for example: subject_toggle
, `duration_toggle
these toggle columns can have values of only "Show" or "Hide"
So I want to create a series of tables in prawnpdf for all the different activity_types. Each table should have different sets of columns shown depending on whether the activity_type
toggle variable for that column is "show" or "hide"
I began working on this and quickly did not know how it conditionally creates columns in the array. I could leave it blank (have an if statement that would output blank if its "Hide") but it wouldn't remove the column.
Below is my code to create the tables for prawnpdf.
ActivityType.all.each do |type|
define_method("method_#{type.id}") do
move_down 20
font "Nunito"
text type.title, :align => :left, size: 13, style: :bold
move_down 5
table eval("rows_#{type.id}"), :position => :center, :width => 540, :column_widths => {0 => 50, 8 => 60},
:cell_style => {:font => "Nunito", :size => 10} do
row(0).font_style = :bold
columns(0..8).align = :center
self.row_colors = ["F0F0F0", "FFFFFF"]
self.header = true
end end
ActivityType.all.each do |type|
define_method("rows_#{type.id}") do
[["Date", "Subject", "Details", "Time (min)","Contact","Detail","Outcome","Agent",""]] +
type.activities.order(date: :asc).map do |activity|
[activity.date.strftime("%b %d"), activity.subject, activity.contact, activity.detail,
activity.outcome, activity.agent, activity.customer, activity.cost, activity.duration.to_i ]
end end
You can use Array#compact
to remove the empty elements from your array:
compact → new_ary
Returns a copy of self with all nil elements removed.
[ "a", nil, "b", nil, "c", nil ].compact
#=> [ "a", "b", "c" ]
However, it would only remove nil
values. If your values can also be empty strings, you could use reject
In your particular case it would be:
[activity.date.strftime("%b %d"), activity.subject, activity.contact, activity.detail,activity.outcome, activity.agent, activity.customer, activity.cost, activity.duration.to_i ].reject { |el| el.nil? || el.empty? }