I am currently learning recommender system, learned something about collaborative filtering, User CF, Item CF, it is obvious to use these algorithm to solve problem like: 1) User bought XXX also bought YYY 2) User viewed XXX also viewed YYY
My question is: how to solve problem like: 1) User bought XXX also viewed YYY 2) User viewed XXX also bought YYY ?
Update: Just corrected the title to: " User bought XXX also viewed YYY"
While I am not sure this is really "recommendation", I can tell you how you'd approach recommendations across domains in Mahout. You would build two DataModel
s, one built on user-item purchases and one built on user-item views. You would use the purchase data as the input to a UserSimilarity
or ItemSimilarity
implementation, but, then feed the view data as the input DataModel
to the Recommender
implementation. You would then be computing something more like what you suggest.