I want to declare that my function's args are object.
function foo(obj1: object, obj2: object){
obj1.name = 'foo'
But when I try to compile, tsc tell that Property 'name' does not exist on type '{}'
I understand this error, but anyway, I want to tell compiler that obj1
is an object which may have any properties, but it should never be a primitive value. How can I do?
If you want the object to be indexable, you need a string
index. You can use the Record
type to get that effect:
function foo(obj1: Record<string, any>, obj2: Record<string, any>){
obj1.name = 'foo'
foo(1, 2) //err
foo("", "") // err
foo({ name: "" }, { name: "" }) // ok
You might consider a stricter type if your objects must contain a specific property:
function foo(obj1: {name: string } & Record<string, any>, obj2: {name: string } & Record<string, any>) {
obj1.name = 'foo'
foo({ name: "" }, { name_: "" }) // error no name