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Including html anchor tags in the 'Yield' of the Bottle framework

Newly playing around with the Bottle framework in python.

I'm trying to include an anchor tag that links to a local folder in the 'Yield' component of the bottle framework.

I keep getting an error when I try to include anchor tags in the Yield statement

Snippet of code is below:

 from bottle import Bottle,run

 app = Bottle()

 def conn():
     yield '<center> <p>Here is the <a href="file:///C:\Programs\Documents">Connection Folder </a>  </p> </center>'

The above code is not running, I get an error saying 'SyntaxError'. I expected to get a result whereby on connection the initial webpage yields to a new webpage with the statement 'Here is the connection folder' (where the string Connection Folder is a link to the local folder)

EDIT 1: I have now gotten the code to work by doing this:

 from bottle import Bottle,run

 app = Bottle()

 def conn():
     yield '<center> <p>Here is the <a href="file:///C:\\Programs\\Documents">Connection Folder </a>  </p> </center>'

That is by adding double slashes

Now my question now is that the link is not opening up the required folder, is there anything I should add to the code above?


  • I finally figured out an answer to my question:

    1) The error of SyntaxError was sorted by doing either of these two: Using either double back slashes or single forward slash worked.

    2) I then encountered another challenge where the link could not access a local folder due to the security setups of Chrome.

    I worked around this by looking at this post: Open local folder from link