I am doing Copy/Paste for tables from word document to another Word document via VB.Net, but it either keeps two line in between or merge the table.
I am utilizing VB.Net in automating Word document, I am copying one formatted table from a word document, and then paste it into a different word document.
the problem here is that I have to put a "separater" between the newly pasted table and the one pasted earlier, otherwise word will merge the two (and will keep merging every single newly pasted table).
I tried to put this code before Pasting
oWord.Selection.MoveDown(Word.WdUnits.wdLine, 0)
it worked fine but it puts two line instead of one.
appreciate if anyone give me a way to keep Pasting (or even adding new paragragh) remain always at the end of the document (with only one line-width separation)
I got a very acceptable solution
instead of using
oWord.Selection.MoveDown(Word.WdUnits.wdLine, 0)
to insert a break, I used the following code, and it worked perfectly
With oWord.Selection
End With
hope this be useful for anyone facing same problem