I defined slug for single DB in a column of structure DB. When I will call the slug in route, Could I get slug from another model (e.g. structure here) in route?
The route is:
I defined getRouteKeyName function in Single model:
public function structure()
return $this->belongsTo(Structure::class);
public function getRouteKeyName()
return $this->structure()->select('slug')->first();
In your controller you will get the firstTest
as route param if you have specified route as :
Route::get('api/singles/{slug}', 'SomeController@someAction');
Then controller :
public function someAction(Request $request, $slug)
// Perform validations and policy authorization if required
$id = Single::whereHas('structure', function ($query) use($slug) {
$query->where('slug', '=', $slug);
// Process the data using $id obtained above