I have a number with numbers after the decimal but for some reason when formatting it, the last two decimals are always zero.
For example a price is 154,95 as saved in my database, but I would like a number of 150 to be shown like 150,00. So I looked up number_format() and found this info:
The number being formatted.
Sets the number of decimal points.
Sets the separator for the decimal point.
Sets the thousands separator.
With above info I did this:
echo number_format($artikel['prijs'],2,",",".");
The comma should be the decimal seperator and the dot the thousands seperator. Still the result of 154,95 with above code is 154,00 , why?
I want all numbers to have the same format, a number with two decimals behind the comma wether these are zero or more.
The problem is that first the price "154,95" is converted to number as 154, and after that number_format() starts to do his job. Either you have to store in the database the price as 154.95, or you have to replace the character "," with "." before calling number_format(). Example:
$a = "159.95";
$b = "12345";
$a_number = str_replace(",", ".", $a);
$b_number = str_replace(",", ".", $b);
echo number_format($a_number,2,",","."), "\n";
echo number_format($b_number,2,",","."), "\n";
And the output is: