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Look-up table in C# with Types and Actions

I want to change my many if to a look-up table.

I have types and methods. I want to pair them.

if (propertyType == typeof(bool) || propertyType == typeof(bool?))

if (propertyType == typeof(DateTime) || propertyType == typeof(DateTime?))

if (propertyType == typeof(Guid) || propertyType == typeof(Guid?))

I have to create a Dictionary<Type, Action>()? Or which is the best elegant way to do this?

Can you offer me some suggestion where can I start or where can I find the solution?


  • I created my own implementation which is little bit different, but I used @DaggeJ suggestion, so thanks!

    First I created a base handler class. After that I used this base on different type classes. You can see it below.


    public abstract class QueryHandler<T> where T : class
        //I added here more property. 
        public abstract Type[] Types { get; }
        protected QueryHandler(//Properties)
            //Properties null check
        public abstract IQueryable<T> Handle();

    Descendant class:

    internal class GuidQuery<T> : QueryHandler<T> where T : class
        public override Type[] Types => new Type[] { typeof(Guid), typeof(Guid?) };
        public GuidQuery(//Properties) : base(//Properties)
        public override IQueryable<T> Handle()
            // Implementation


    public IQueryable<T> GetQuery()
        var queryHandlerList = new List<QueryHandler<T>>()
            new IntQuery<T>(//Properties),
            new DateTimeQuery<T>(//Properties),
            new StringQuery<T>(//Properties),
            new BoolQuery<T>(//Properties),
            new GuidQuery<T>(//Properties),
            new EnumQuery<T>(//Properties)
    return query = queryHandlerList.FirstOrDefault(h => GetType<T>(h, property.PropertyType)).Handle();
    private bool GetType<T>(QueryHandler<T> handler, Type type) where T: class
        if (handler.Types.FirstOrDefault(t => t == type) == type || handler.Types.FirstOrDefault(t => t == type.BaseType) == type.BaseType) return true;
        return false;