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How can i show DUnitX results on TeamCity

I have been trying to fiddle around within my instance of TeamCity to try and get a Tests tab to display at the end of each build. My current build configuration is as follows:

  • [Powershell] Set version of delphi application
  • [Command Line] Build application dproj
  • [Command Line] Build dunitx-test dproj && run dunitx executable
  • [Powershell] Zip contents -> Create nuget package
  • [Octopus] Publish
  • Publish to TeamCity dunitx-results.xml

Reading through the DUnitX Documentation they state that the output is compatible with NUnit. So what I am trying to do is at the end of the building process that TeamCity displays my test results on its own tab. Similar to how NUnit tests results are exposed after a Visual Studio Build using NUnit or MSTest.

Does anyone know how I can accomplish this, or get a similar output?


  • In case this helps anyone else, I was able to get the Tests to finally show thanks to the responses found in this questions here

    TeamCity lets you output to the screen content based on its own commands in several different ways explained in their documentation.

    Since I am running my tests from the command line I just had to add the following line to my Test Step

    echo ##teamcity[importData type='nunit' path='Tests\Win32\Release\bin\dunitx-results.xml']