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How to fix Xcode 10 error 'Multiple commands produce..' after generating Core Data subclasses

I have created a brand new core data model for my project and I want to create some NSManagedObject Subclasses for it. After generating subclasses XCode throws some errors that reference a path to the /DerivedData folder. See my steps below and image of the error:

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here

I have already tried clean building, clearing the DerivedData folder, all that hoo-haa. I've also tried creating the generated files manually but I still get the same errors. Has anybody managed to get around this?


  • Here is a solution of your issue related to coredata

    As per your first screenshot, right hand side you can see field named Codegen under Class, open that dropdown and select Manual/None and generate files again from Editor - > Create NSManageObject Subclass, issue will be solve.

    See this image