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How do I get the .mlmodel to be used in Swift Playground?

I have already converted the .mlmodel to .mlmodelc , and I have put it in the resources folder. Im using Vision framework and MNIST model, following this tutorial (, but using swift playground.

What am i missing? (im using .playground files, not .playgroundbook files)

line of code:

 guard let visionModel = try? VNCoreMLModel(for: MNIST().modelc) else {fatalError("can not load Vision ML model")}

Error message:

use of undefined identifier 'MNIST'

Screenshot: image of playground


  • Playground doesn't recognize the .mlmodel file by default, so we need an iOS Project to help us find the compiled mlmodelc folder, and copy the mlmodelc folder to playground's resource folder, and the auto generated helper class to playground's source folder and change it to public. Then it works!

    Try this project: