I want the program to exit when I press Escape, the way it is right now, just close whenever a press anybutton.
Here is my code
game.KeyPress += (sender, e) => { game.Exit(); };
I using https://github.com/ppy/osuTK this as reference in my project. Both KeyPress and KeyPressEventArgs Inherit from osuTK.Input
There is also this code bellow
The Key also Inherit from osuTK.Input.
game.KeyPress<KeyPressEventArgs<Key.Escape>> += (sender, e) => { game.Exit(); };
This code above doesn't work, but something close to that would be perfect.
You can try with this code according to KeyPressEventArgs.KeyChar:
game.KeyPress += (sender, eventArgs) => {
if (eventArgs.KeyChar == (char)Keys.Escape) {