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Change legend location and labels in Seaborn scatter plot

I am tying to change the location as well as labels of my legend in Seaborn scatterplot. Here is my code:

ax_total_message_ratio=sns.scatterplot(x='total_messages', y='email_messages_ratio',hue='poi',data=df_new)
ax_total_message_ratio.set_title("Email Messages Ratio vs. Total Messages Across Poi",y=1.12,fontsize=20,fontweight='bold')
ax_total_message_ratio.set_ylabel('Email Messages Ratio')
ax_total_message_ratio.set_xlabel('Total Messages')
ax_total_message_ratio.legend.loc("lower right")

enter image description here But I am getting following error message; 'function' object has no attribute 'loc'. Can I get some help on how to control legends with Seaborn? Additionally, I also need to replace 0 by No and 1 by Yes in the legend labels. Thanks


  • You can adjust the position using the loc keyword in calling legend(), like

    ax_total_message_ratio.legend(loc="lower right")

    To include custom labels for your markers you can create a custom legend, i.e.

    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
    from matplotlib.lines import Line2D
    custom = [Line2D([], [], marker='.', color='b', linestyle='None'),
              Line2D([], [], marker='.', color='r', linestyle='None')]
    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(8,5))
    plt.legend(custom, ['Yes', 'No'], loc='lower right')

    This will give you

    Sample plot with custom legend

    and should remove the automatically generated legend, leaving only the custom legend.