I have the following mailer set up in a rake task in lib/tasks/scheduler.rake
desc "Send capsule reminder emails"
task send_capsule_reminders: :environment do
require 'time'
t = Time.now.in_time_zone("Pacific Time (US & Canada)").next_day
month = t.month
day = t.day
Capsule.all.each do |capsule|
if month == capsule.capsule_date.month && day == capsule.capsule_date.day && capsule.active && capsule.reminder_email
I have tested NewCapsuleReminderMailer.send_capsule_reminder_email(capsule).deliver
from my console and it sends the mailer correctly.
I checked and month == capsule.capsule_date.month
and day == capsule.capsule_date
. Also capsule.active
is true
as is capsule.reminder_email
However, when I run rake send_capsule_reminders
nothing happens.
Can anyone help me figure out why this isn't sending and how to fix it?
I believe that NewCapsuleReminderMailer.send_capsule_reminder_email(capsule).deliver
should be NewCapsuleReminderMailer.send_capsule_reminder_email(capsule).deliver_now