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Hbase rest api multiple inserts

We plan to use hbase rest api to perform inserts into a hbase table and would like to know if there is a way to insert multiple columns into a single column family or even multiple column families in a single call .

If not , as we plan to insert about 100+ columns for a particular record(row), this is causing us to make 100+ calls for a single row entry


  • You can insert multiple columns for a single/multiple column family in a single PUT operation. --data payload contains the key and CellSet, CellSet contains base64 encoded value of cf:columnname and $ contains the base64 encoded value of column value.

    For example :

      { "Row":[
                   "column":"QXV0aG9yczp0ZXN0MQ==",  // It can be cf1:name
                   "column":"QXV0aG9yczp0ZXN0Mg==", // It can be cf2:address

    The final curl command will look like this:

    curl -vi -X PUT \
             -H "Accept: text/json" \
             -H "Content-Type: text/json" \
             -d '{"Row":[{"key":"d3d3LnNvbWVzaXRlLmNvbQ==","Cell":[{"column":"QXV0aG9yczp0ZXN0MQ==","$":"c29tZURhdGE="},{"column":"QXV0aG9yczp0ZXN0Mg==","$":"bW9yZURhdGE="}]}]}' \