I've come across several instances where it would be really helpful to containerize a conda environment for long-term reproducibility. As I'm normally running in high-performance computing systems, they need to be Singularity containers for security reasons. How can this be done?
First, you'll want to get the environment YML for your particular conda environment.
conda activate your_env
conda env export > environment.yml
Here's an example Singularity recipe (in file named 'Singularity' in same directory as 'environment.yml'):
Bootstrap: docker
From: continuumio/miniconda3
/opt/conda/bin/conda env create -f environment.yml
exec /opt/conda/envs/$(head -n 1 environment.yml | cut -f 2 -d ' ')/bin/"$@"
Build this with
sudo singularity build conda.sif Singularity
Now, you'll have a functioning container using libraries from your conda environment that can be run anywhere you have Singularity installed!
singularity run conda.sif ipython
Depending on the version of Singularity you're using, you may need to alter $(head -n 1 environment.yml | cut -f 2 -d ' ') with the name of your environment.
Since you can't activate the environment from the runscript, you'll be restricted to binaries installed in your particular environment with the provided runscript.