I'm making a slider block and I want to create a slide block for each image I choose.
I already have a fully functioning slide block. The question is, how can I create call the slide block from the slider block? I think there must be a way through the API and I found the function createBlock() but nothing is really working
const { createBlock } = wp.blocks;
// some code
<div id={ listId } className={ classes } key={ index }>
I'm expecting a slide block to be created. (To make it simple I removed variables from the slide block and put in a static image) I'm getting "Cannot read property 'attributes' of undefined"
Even if I call createBlock('core/paragraph') I get "Objects are not valid as a React child"
You probably want to define Slide as a component instead of a block:
function Slide(props) {
return <div>{props.slideName}</div>;
Or as a class that extends Component:
const { Component } = wp.element
class Slide extends Component {
render() {
return (
<div>{ this.props.slideName }</div>
And then in your Slider block you would use that component:
edit(props) {
return (
<Slide slideName="Slide 1" />
<Slide slideName="Slide 2" />