How to visualise arbitrary tree?
for example:
(define T1 '(and (or x1 x2)(or x3 x4 x5)))
or one generated with:
(define functions '(not if and or))
(define terminals '(A0 A1 A2 D0 D1))
(define functions&terminals (append terminals functions ))
(define (pick-one list)
(list-ref list (random (length list))))
(define arities '((if . 3)(and . 2)(or . 2)(not . 1)))
(define (terminal? symbol)
(find (lambda (x)(eq? x symbol)) terminals))
(define (function? symbol)
(find (lambda (x)(eq? x symbol)) functions))
(define (arity non-terminal)
(let ((arity (find (lambda (x)(eq? non-terminal (car x))) arities)))
(if arity
(cdr arity)
(define (numbers n)
(if (= n 0)
(cons n (numbers (- n 1)))))
(define (gen-tree)
(let ((node (pick-one functions&terminals)))
(if (terminal? node)
(cons node (map (lambda (x) (gen-tree)) (numbers (arity
> (gen-tree)
'(or (if A1 (and A1 (not (if D1 (and A0 A0) (or A0 A0)))) (or A0 A0)) D0)
Racket seems to have:
is it enough to visualise trees of functions with the name of the function and params in the circle?
You can do something like this to visualize arbitrarily sized trees:
(require pict
(define (draw tree)
(define (viz tree)
((null? tree) #f)
((not (pair? tree))
(tree-layout #:pict (cc-superimpose
(disk 30 #:color "white")
(text (symbol->string tree)))))
((not (pair? (car tree)))
(apply tree-layout (map viz (cdr tree))
#:pict (cc-superimpose
(disk 30 #:color "white")
(text (symbol->string (car tree))))))))
(if (null? tree)
(naive-layered (viz tree))))
For example, using the lists you provided:
(define t1 '(and (or x1 x2) (or x3 x4 x5)))
(define t2 '(or (if A1 (and A1 (not (if D1 (and A0 A0) (or A0 A0)))) (or A0 A0)) D0))