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add color in GUI logger

in my GUI I have a widget where I copy the logging messages from the main code

like this:

import logging
from PyQt4 import Qt, QtCore,QtGui

class QPlainTextEditLogger(logging.Handler):
    class that defines a handler to write logging message inside the GUI
    the geometry and position of the TextEdit is defined here, not by QT designer
    err_fmt = "%(levelname)-8s %(message)s"
    dbg_fmt = "%(levelname)-8s [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s"
    info_fmt = "%(levelname)-8s %(message)s"

    def __init__(self, parent):
        #first creates a text edit widget (parent is the main gui)
        self.widget = QtGui.QPlainTextEdit(parent)
        #adding this newly created widget to gridLayout_4
        parent.gridLayout_4.addWidget(self.widget,4, 0, 1, 2)


    def emit(self, record):

        msg = self.format(record)

The output is in black and white whereas in the Terminal is colored, according to a formatting I defined in the main code, like this

class MyFormatter(logging.Formatter):
    class to handle the logging formatting
    # ----------------------------
    PURPLE = '\033[95m'
    CYAN = '\033[96m'
    DARKCYAN = '\033[36m'
    BLUE = '\033[94m'
    GREEN = '\033[92m'
    YELLOW = '\033[93m'
    RED = '\033[91m'
    BOLD = '\033[1m'
    UNDERLINE = '\033[4m'
    END = '\033[0m'

    err_fmt     = "[%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s"
    dbg_fmt     = "[%(levelname)-8s] [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s"
    dbgplus_fmt = "[%(levelname)-8s] (%(filename)s:%(lineno)d) %(message)s"
    info_fmt    = "[%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s"

    # FORMAT = "[$BOLD%(name)-20s$RESET][%(levelname)-18s]  %(message)s ($BOLD%(filename)s$RESET:%(lineno)d)"

    #format = "[$BOLD%(name)-20s$RESET][%(levelname)-18s]  %(message)s ($BOLD%(filename)s$RESET:%(lineno)d)"

    # def __init__(self):
    #     super().__init__(fmt="%(levelno)d: %(msg)s", datefmt=None, style='%')

    def format(self, record):

        # Save the original format configured by the user
        # when the logger formatter was instantiated
        format_orig = self._style._fmt

        # Replace the original format with one customized by logging level
        if record.levelno == logging.DEBUG:

            self._style._fmt = formatter_message(MyFormatter.dbg_fmt,True)

      #      color = '\x1b[35;1m'

        elif record.levelno == logging.INFO:
            self._style._fmt = formatter_message(MyFormatter.info_fmt,True)
       #     color = '\x1b[32;1m'

        elif record.levelno == logging.ERROR:
            self._style._fmt = formatter_message(MyFormatter.err_fmt,True)
        #    color = '\x1b[31;1m'
        elif record.levelno == 5:
            self._style._fmt = formatter_message(MyFormatter.dbgplus_fmt,True)
         #   color = '\x1b[33;1m'

        levelname_color = COLOR_SEQ % (30 + COLORS[levelname]) + levelname + RESET_SEQ
        record.levelname = levelname_color

        # Call the original formatter class to do the grunt work
        result = logging.Formatter.format(self, record)

        # Restore the original format configured by the user
        self._style._fmt = format_orig

        return result

is there a way to import the same formatting in the widget?


  • A possible option is to use HTML:

    import logging
    from PyQt4 import QtCore, QtGui
    class CustomFormatter(logging.Formatter):
        FORMATS = {
            logging.ERROR:   ("[%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s", QtGui.QColor("red")),
            logging.DEBUG:   ("[%(levelname)-8s] [%(filename)s:%(lineno)d] %(message)s", "green"),
            logging.INFO:    ("[%(levelname)-8s] %(message)s", "#0000FF"),
            logging.WARNING: ('%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s - %(message)s', QtGui.QColor(100, 100, 0))
        def format( self, record ):
            last_fmt = self._style._fmt
            opt = CustomFormatter.FORMATS.get(record.levelno)
            if opt:
                fmt, color = opt
                self._style._fmt = "<font color=\"{}\">{}</font>".format(QtGui.QColor(color).name(),fmt)
            res = logging.Formatter.format( self, record )
            self._style._fmt = last_fmt
            return res
    class QPlainTextEditLogger(logging.Handler):
        def __init__(self, parent=None):
            self.widget = QtGui.QPlainTextEdit(parent)
        def emit(self, record):
            msg = self.format(record)
            # move scrollbar
            scrollbar = self.widget.verticalScrollBar()
    class Dialog(QtGui.QDialog):
        def __init__(self, parent=None):
            super(Dialog, self).__init__(parent)
            logTextBox = QPlainTextEditLogger()
            lay = QtGui.QVBoxLayout(self)
            QtCore.QTimer(self, interval=500, 
        def on_timeout(self):
            import random
            msgs = ( 
                lambda: logging.debug('damn, a bug'),
                lambda:'something to remember'),
                lambda: logging.warning('that\'s not right'),
                lambda: logging.error('foobar'),
                lambda: logging.critical('critical :-(')
    if __name__ == '__main__':
        import sys
        app = QtGui.QApplication(sys.argv)
        w = Dialog()
        w.resize(640, 480)

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