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How to make a update with value from a cast?

I have an INSERT INTO query that takes an input from a html form and insert it in a table on postgres, one of the columns's value is a GeoJSON. Now i'm trying to prepare a trigger function that take the json after the INSERT query and convert it to geometry and insert this geometry in another column on the same table.

SELECT ST_GeomFromText( ST_AsText( CAST(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(t1."column-name") AS TEXT) ), 4326 ) FROM (SELECT "column-name" FROM table-name ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1) AS t1;

With this query i take the GeoJSON from the last row inserted and convert it to a geometry, but i don't know how to insert this geometry value in another column.


  • I manage to come up with a query that resolve my problem:

    UPDATE table-name SET column-name = (SELECT ST_GeomFromText( ST_AsText( CAST(ST_GeomFromGeoJSON(t1.column-name) AS TEXT) ), 4326 ) FROM (SELECT column-name FROM table-name ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1) AS t1) WHERE id IN(SELECT id FROM table-name ORDER BY id DESC LIMIT 1 );

    With this query i take a GeoJSON within, from the last row inserted in the table, and convert it to geometry and insert this geometry in another column of the same row from where i had taked the GeoJson.

    Importante: the column that stores the GeoJSON has the data type of character varying.

    Hope it has made sense, english is not my first language.