I am trying to download programmatically files like this from an ftp. The home page provides openly username ("fire") and password ("burnt") and I can download the files no problem from browser.
When I try to do the same in R using httr::GET()
GET(url = "ftp://fuoco.geog.umd.edu/gfed4/monthly/GFED4.0_MQ_200301_BA.hdf",
authenticate(user = "fire", password = "burnt"),
write_disk(file.path(tempdir(), "GFED4.0_MQ_200301_BA.hdf"),
overwrite = TRUE))
I get the following error
Error in curl::curl_fetch_disk(url, x$path, handle = handle) :
Timeout was reached: Connection time-out
I would greatly appreciate any idea to fix this problem, many thanks!
The problem seems to be that FTP isn't supported by library(httr)
Please see this, or more recent this.
I'd give library(RCurl)
a go instead:
url <- "ftp://fuoco.geog.umd.edu/gfed4/monthly/GFED4.0_MQ_200301_BA.hdf"
content <- getBinaryURL(url, userpwd = "fire:burnt", ftp.use.epsv = FALSE)
writeBin(content, con = basename(url))