I wrote this piece if code below to read a text file that says: It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the age of wisdom.
When I run my code nothing seems to happen. Is there anything you can spot in my code that may cause this issue? (Solution builds with no error or warnings too). Thanks :)
int main(void)
FILE * fPointer;
fPointer = fopen("exercise1.txt","r");
char singleline[150];
while (!feof(fPointer))
fgets(singleline, 150, fPointer);
return 0;
If I modify your program to take into account the remarks of Weather Vane, and I replace your puts by a fputs to not double the \n (fgets do not the remove the \n and puts add a \n) :
int main()
FILE * fPointer = fopen("exercise1.txt","r");
if (fPointer == NULL)
puts("cannot open exercise1.txt");
else {
char singleline[150];
while (fgets(singleline, sizeof(singleline), fPointer))
fputs(singleline, stdout);
return 0;
Compilation and execution :
/tmp % gcc -pedantic -Wextra c.c
/tmp % cp c.c exercise1.txt
/tmp % ./a.out
int main()
FILE * fPointer = fopen("exercise1.txt","r");
if (fPointer == NULL)
puts("cannot open exercise1.txt");
else {
char singleline[150];
while (fgets(singleline, sizeof(singleline), fPointer))
fputs(singleline, stdout);
return 0;
/tmp % \rm exercise1.txt
/tmp % ./a.out
cannot open exercise1.txt