I am using DataBinding in android and I have a custom view: CarouselView
I wrote a binding adapter for that:
fun setOnClick(carouselView: CarouselView, onClick: (position: Int) -> Unit) {
carouselView.setImageClickListener { position ->
And in the xml:
app:onClick="@{(p) -> vm.onAdsClicked(p)}"/>
But it does not compile. So I saw this answer in the Stackoverflow. But my problem is that I cannot use Runnable instead of kotlin hoc function because I need to pas a parameter to function.
How can I solve that?
Switching from hoc func to the the listener of this custom view worked for me:
import com.synnapps.carouselview.ImageClickListener
fun setOnClick(carouselView: CarouselView, imageClickListener: ImageClickListener) {