I am implementing device orientation detector using Xamarin MessagingCenter. What I would like to do is to send messages from my MainActivity in Android project to a Singleton class implementation inside my .NET Standart project.
As you can see I have overridden "OnConfigurationChanged(...)" method inside my MainActivity and all breakpoints are being hit inside my IF statements when I switch orientation from Landscape to Portrait. The problem is that I newer receive those messages. Callback inside my "OrientationHelper" is newer called.
"OrientationHelper" is instanciated when first page loads (for those who will say that I have no instance:) )
public override void OnConfigurationChanged(Android.Content.Res.Configuration newConfig)
if (newConfig.Orientation == Android.Content.Res.Orientation.Landscape)
MessagingCenter.Send(this, "OrientationContract"
, new OrientationChangedEventArgs(Orientation.Landscape));
else if (newConfig.Orientation == Android.Content.Res.Orientation.Portrait)
MessagingCenter.Send(this, "OrientationContract"
, new OrientationChangedEventArgs(Orientation.Portrait));
Singleton class that will receive messages from MainActivity:
public class OrientationHelper
private OrientationHelper()
=> MessagingCenter.Subscribe<OrientationChangedEventArgs>(this, "OrientationContract"
, s => DeviceOrientation = s.Orientation);
private static OrientationHelper s_instace;
public static OrientationHelper Instance
if (s_instace == null)
s_instace = new OrientationHelper();
return s_instace;
private Orientation _deviceOrientation;
public Orientation DeviceOrientation
get => _deviceOrientation;
private set
if (_deviceOrientation == value)
_deviceOrientation = value;
public class OrientationChangedEventArgs : EventArgs
public Orientation Orientation { get; private set; }
public OrientationChangedEventArgs(Orientation orientation)
=> Orientation = orientation;
the subscribe and send methods are defined like this
Subscribe (object subscriber, string message, Action callback, TSender source = null)
Send (TSender sender, string message) Send (TSender sender, string message, TArgs args)
the first T
parameter in both calls should match the type of the class sending the message
MessagingCenter.Send<MyType, OrientationChangedEventArgs>(this, "OrientationContract"
, new OrientationChangedEventArgs(Orientation.Landscape));
MessagingCenter.Subscribe<MyType, OrientationChangedEventArgs>(this, "OrientationContract"
, s => DeviceOrientation = s.Orientation);