I'm using GLib.MainLoop()
from PyGObject
in my Python application and have a question.
Is it possible to handle Python exception that raises in loop.run()
For example I'm calling some function using GLib.MainContext.invoke_full()
import traceback, gi
from gi.repository import GLib
loop = GLib.MainLoop()
def handler(self):
raise Exception('from handler with love')
loop.get_context().invoke_full(GLib.PRIORITY_DEFAULT, handler, None)
except Exception:
I thought that handler()
should be called somewhere inside loop.run()
so raise Exception('from handler with love')
should be catched by except Exception:
. However, it is not:
$ python test.py
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "test.py", line 9, in handler
raise Exception('from handler with love')
Exception: from handler with love
It seems that handler()
called in the middle of nowhere (called from GLib
's C
code?), and not catched by except Exception:
Is it possible to catch all Python exceptions that raises in GLib.MainLoop.run()
? I have a dozen of handlers called like that so I have to add same try: ... except OneException: ... exceptAnotherException: ...
wrapper into each handler.
No, the exception is not propagated. It is caught and printed. No exception in a Python callback causes the loop to exit.