Other than just binary and decimal, we can have numbers of any base. Common bases that we work with include octal, hexadecimal and base64.
Here is a table of numbers from 0 to 15 in each of the above mentioned bases except base64.
QUESTION: Write a function make_decimal_to_n_ary_converter that accepts a number n where 1 < n < 17, and returns a number converter that converts a given decimal number into that of base n.
def make_decimal_to_n_ary_converter(n):
# return a number converter that takes a decimal number
# and returns its string representation in base n
def converter(x):
if n == 2:
return bin(x)[2:]
elif n == 8:
return oct(x)[2:]
elif n == 16:
return hex(x)[2:].upper()
return converter
Essentially, this code only works for binary, octal and hexadecimal, but i need to write it programatically without the python in-built function to allow it to run from n_ary 1-17
Here's an example of how the binary conversion is written programatically:
def decimal_to_binary(n):
# return bin(n)[2:]
if n == 0:
return '0'
binary = ''
while n > 0:
binary += '0' if n % 2 == 0 else '1'
n = n//2
return binary[::-1]
Your line binary += '0' if n % 2 == 0 else '1'
isn't really necessary in my opinion. binary += n % 2
would suffice.
First we have to define the digit set. Since we know that base will be less than 17 I have taken a 17 digit set (digit_list). For a given base k, digit_list[k] will be our available digits. The rest of the function is the same. we append basek_num with the corr. value in digit_list of n%k
until our number is 0.
def decimal_to_basek(n, k):
# return bin(n)[2:]
digit_list = ['0','1','2','3','4','5','6','7','8','9','a','b','c','d','e','f','g',]
if n == 0:
return '0'
basek_num = ''
while n > 0:
basek_num += digit_list[n % k]
n = n//k
return basek_num[::-1]