I'm trying to create a mermaid chart in R. The syntax seems to be quite straightforward - however I haven't found a possibility to make line connections between two shapes without an arrow head.
In this example:
graph LR
sq1[shape one]-- This can't be a shape. So sad. --> sq2[shape two]
cyr1((circle one))-->cyr2((circle two));
Here, the connection between "shape one" and "this can't be a shape" is a line, but as soon as I try to use this connection between two shapes the output won't construct a diagram. Is there any way to realize a line connection between two shapes?
As to DiagrammeR documentation, connection could be defined as:
--> arrow connection
--- line connection
So you simply need:
graph LR
sq1[shape one]-- This can't be a shape. So sad. --- sq2[shape two]
cyr1((circle one))---cyr2((circle two));