The repository is here:
Compiling the program goes well. I have some unused variables, but that is fine. At run time I am seeing the following warnings, and the GUI that I run is not like the template I have provided.
(tllt-cp:28723): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 22:18:00.249: Unable to load resource for composite template for type 'TlltCpWindow': The resource at “/com/gitlab/tristan957/TlltCp/tllt-cp-window.ui” does not exist
(tllt-cp:28723): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 22:18:00.249: gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_full: assertion 'widget_class->priv->template != NULL' failed
(tllt-cp:28723): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 22:18:00.249: gtk_widget_class_bind_template_child_full: assertion 'widget_class->priv->template != NULL' failed
Initializing object
(tllt-cp:28723): Gtk-CRITICAL **: 22:18:00.249: gtk_widget_init_template: assertion 'template != NULL' failed
I am not sure what I am missing.
I needed to add the following function
static void
tllt_cp_application_startup(GApplication *self)
g_application_set_resource_base_path(self, "/com/gitlab/tristan957/TlltCp");