I am an iOS developer and i was asked to what type(whole i.e header as well as body) of request to hit APN to get notification to device.
I read many tutorial for setup of server for APN but I am unable to understand as i have no knowledge about PhP and Node Js. After reading apple document , I came to know that it uses http/2 and other various tag and value. But i am unable to construct full request. Any help is highly appreciated.
To send an APNs request using PHP, you need these requirements:
certificate which should exist in the same path of your php script.Then you can try the following code:
$apnsServer = 'ssl://gateway.push.apple.com:2195';
$privateKeyPassword = '1234'; // your .pem private key password
$message = 'Hello world!';
$deviceToken = 'YOUR_DEVICE_TOKEN_HERE';
$pushCertAndKeyPemFile = 'PushCertificateAndKey.pem'; // Your .pem certificate
$stream = stream_context_create();
$connectionTimeout = 20;
$connection = stream_socket_client($apnsServer,
if (!$connection){
echo "Failed to connect to the APNS server. Error no = $errorNumber<br/>";
} else {
echo "Successfully connected to the APNS...";
$messageBody['aps'] = array('alert' => $message,
'sound' => 'default',
'badge' => 2,
$payload = json_encode($messageBody);
$notification = chr(0) .
pack('n', 32) .
pack('H*', $deviceToken) .
pack('n', strlen($payload)) .
$wroteSuccessfully = fwrite($connection, $notification, strlen($notification));
if (!$wroteSuccessfully){
echo "Could not send the message.";
else {
echo "Successfully sent the message.";
Refer to this link for more details.