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SSRS: Adding Column headers that have multi-row descriptions

I wish to have multi-row Column headers on a table, per this image: enter image description here

I have tried this:

  • Inserting another table into the column header, so it is a nested table.
    • Result: second header row repeats for every Data row, because the nested table is also bound to the dataset.

  • Use separate tables, 1st for the headers(bound to a 1 record dataset) and 2nd for the data (which has no headers). Then just lined them up to look like one table.
    • Result: Does not carry the header across pages. Which is required.

I am using SSDT in Visual studio 2017 to build the report. Is this possible?


  • Right click the existing header row and "Insert New Row" e.g.

    SSRS Insert New Row

    Then select cells and use the "Merge Cells" for your first header row.