I am using spring cloud streams to consume a message from Kafka.
Is it possible to read the Kafka Message Key from the code?
I have a Kafka topic that generally has 2 types of messages. The action to be taken varies depending on the message key. I see the spring documentation has only the following to read the message. Here, I need to specify the actual mapping of the message (Greetings class here). However, I need a way through which I can read the message key and determine the deserializable Pojo
public class GreetingsListener {
public void handleGreetings(@Payload Greetings request) {
You can try something like this:
public void handleGreetings(@Payload Greetings request, @Header(KafkaHeaders.RECEIVED_MESSAGE_KEY)String key) {
You need to provide a proper deserializer for the key. For e.g. if your key is String, then you can provide:
If there is a need to use different key deserializer for different input channels, this setting can be extended under producer section of each kafka bindings. For example:
startOffset: latest
autoCommitOffset: true
autoCommitOnError: true
key.deserializer: org.apache.kafka.common.serialization.StringDeserializer