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Jupyter & Python: Why can't a child's call to a parent method recognize the parent's import?

In my current working directory I have the files active.ipynb which contains class B, subclass of A, and I have where A is defined.

When I'm defining everything within the notebook (i.e. class A and B are both defined within a cell in the notebook), everything works fine which is what I expect. When class A is moved into it's own file, I get problems. Importing math in class B does not help, and I also tested this in a separate notebook from my real project to make sure I'm not doing something detrimental somewhere.

Consider contents:

#edited to reflect this issue occurring regardless of import location

import math    

class A:

    def method(self):
        #parent related code...

    def parentmethod(self):

In my current cell I have:

import A

class B(A.A):
    def method(self):
        #child related overridden code...

b = B()


and I get the following error:

NameError                                 Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-84-42c1e6969f03> in <module>
      9 b = B()
---> 11 b.method()

<ipython-input-84-42c1e6969f03> in method(self)
      5     def method(self):
      6         #child related code...
----> 7         self.parentmethod()
      9 b = B()

~\Documents\Projects\FunctionNetwork\ in parentmethod(self)
      8     def parentmethod(self):
----> 9         print(math.pi)

NameError: name 'math' is not defined

What's going on?


  • I figured it out by accidentally repeating the error moments ago, and now I can replicate it at will.

    I copied class A from JN, and accidentally missed the math import at the module level. I then imported class A into a fresh cell and called it's method which lead to a name error referencing the math module. This is expected because I didn't import math anywhere.

    I added the math import to, saved it, then reran the cell assuming it would reimport with the new information. This is not the case. When I cleared the notebook, only then did it recognize that I updated

    Apparently, being consistent can be a boon even if you're consistently sloppy.