Trying to get count of objects in S3 folder
Current code
objs = boto3.client('s3').list_objects_v2(Bucket=bucket,Prefix=File)
fileCount = objs['KeyCount']
This gives me the count as 1+actual number of objects in S3.
Maybe it is counting "File" as a key too?
"Folders" do not actually exist in Amazon S3. Instead, all objects have their full path as their filename ('Key'). I think you already know this.
However, it is possible to 'create' a folder by creating a zero-length object that has the same name as the folder. This causes the folder to appear in listings and is what happens if folders are created via the management console.
Thus, you could exclude zero-length objects from your count.
For an example, see: Determine if folder or file key - Boto