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Ansible -- Using Conditionals from Ec2 Tags in Dynamic Inventory

I am using ec2 dynamic inventory.

All of my ec2 instances are tagged with their environment. So for example tag:env = prod or tag:env = test

So my dynamic inventory has variables set properly....

  "ec2": [


  "tag_env_mgmt": [
  "tag_env_prod": [
  "tag_env_stage": [

So I now want to set conditionals based on certain tags. Here is the type of playbook conditionals I want to use, adding users only if the tag is "stage":

- hosts: ec2
    - user1
    - user2
  - name: "Create user accounts and add users to groups"
      name: "{{ item }}"
      groups: "sudo"
    with_items: "{{ users }}"
    when: tag_env_stage is defined

Also tried it like this:

  - name: "Create user accounts and add users to groups"
      name: "{{ item }}"
      groups: "sudo"
    with_items: "{{ users }}"
    when: tag_env_stage

and this:

  - name: "Create user accounts and add users to groups"
      name: "{{ item }}"
      groups: "sudo"
    with_items: "{{ users }}"
    when: tag_env == stage

The plays fail to execute. I get errors along the lines of:

error while evaluating conditional (tag_env_stage):

I checked the documentation and didn't see anything sticking out at me.




  • tag_env_prod, tag_env_stage are group names in your example.

    You can use:

    when: ('tag_env_stage' in group_names)

    But this is a bit ugly. I'd recommend to use modern Ansible version with support of inventory plugins (instead of legacy dynamic inventories). If your inventory is generated with aws_ec2 plugin, you have direct access to tags variable. And so you can use:

    when: tags['env'] == 'stage'